Below are our top 8 valuable chiropractic self help tips for your busy schedule:
- You are in pain for a reason.
It is a signal to your brain that something is, or is about to go wrong. Listen to the signals your body sends you.
- Avoid aggravating the pain. If this means not sitting, bending or twisting then avoid these movements.
- Keep moving gently. Bed rest can aggravate the problem by causing you to stiffen up. Walking is often recommended to keep things moving. Remember that each injury is different, so listen to your body’s messages.
- Ice is your friend. It is a natural anti-inflammatory can be used on the painful area for 15 minutes, up to every 90 minutes. Place a kitchen towel between the ice and yourself to prevent ice burns.
- Take time off work if necessary. If sitting at your office desk or bending all day has contributed to your low back injury, then to fully recover it might be useful to limit the amount of time you spend sitting. This is especially important if you have sciatica or a slipped disc.
- Relax, breathe and let go. By heightening the sensitivity of your nerves, anxiety and stress have a huge impact on the level of pain you experience. You can release physical and emotional tension through breathing slowly and deeply. This relaxes your nervous system and reduces the level of pain.
- Painkillers are a double edged sword. They can mask the pain signals reaching the brain, but do nothing to address your underlying problem. They can also have some pretty serious side effects.
- Book an assessment with your local chiropractor to get some answers. Once you understand the whats, whys and hows, you will be in a stronger position to make the necessary changes to get your health back.