Do you or someone you know suffer from foot cramps?
The following tips may help it relax.
1. If you’re sitting down, stand up and put weight on your cramping foot.
2. Actively lift your foot and toes (if standing, walk on your heels), or use your hand or towel to pull the ball of your foot and toes up toward your nose.
3. Ice and rub your muscles gently as you stretch them. .
4. If ice is not working, put heat on the cramped muscle with a warm towel, heating pad, or a warm bath. .
The following may help prevent foot cramps:
1. Stretch both before and after you exercise.
2. Drink plenty of water everyday to keep your muscles hydrated and relaxed.
3. Fill your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables, which provide calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
4. Check your medication for side effects.
5. Wear comfortable footwear.
Be sure to call your doctor if your foot cramps are painful and won’t go away. .
Make it a great day!
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