Athlete Transformation
??? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??????????.Our #AthleteSpotlight post goes to our client Jessica..? We feel honoured that she chose us to design reverse diet/post comp fitness & nutrition plans after her @npaasport competition..? We created plans that promoted a healthy relationship with food and balanced lifestyle with…
Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby
??? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??????????..I am so proud of my wife, Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby, for continuing to trail blaze a path to improved awareness of health, wellness, and triumph in our industry. As chief editor of Natural Physique & Athletics Association (NPAA)…
Family Day Giveaway!
⭐️✨G I V E A W A Y✨⭐️.Endurance on 8th Health Centre is teaming up with UltraWhite to bring you the ultimate “FEEL GOOD” prize pack, valued at over $500!!!!! ..Enter to win ⬇️✨ A Full 60 minute teeth whitening session!✨ Free online consultation, and…
Chiropractors and Exercise
Do you ever think of the full array of skills your chiropractor can offer for your pain, health, and wellness?.Chiropractors are extensively trained in the assessment, diagnosis, prevention, and management of MSK conditions..Studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments work best and are most effective when…
Pac Man Crunch with Resistance...
Are you looking for more exercises to strengthen your lower back or carve a sleek midsection?.The following partner exercise may help:.Pac Man Crunch With Resistance Tubing..Preparation:.Lie on your side, with your hips aligned, legs stacked and positioned slightly forward with legs approx. thirty degrees in…
Modify Your Shoulder Press
?? ??? ?????????? ???? ?? ??????? ???????? ???? ???????? ????????.The following may help improve your strength and/or reduce pain. .1. What is the Scapular Plane?The angle of the scapula in its resting position, normally 30° to 45° forward from the frontal plane toward the sagittal…
Strengthen Your Glutes
??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???????.Again. Toning and strengthening your glutes shouldn’t be labelled as vain, it may also improve your knee pain ??..So try turning up the heat on your glutes with this routine in the gym, at home, or while…
Athlete Spotlight
??? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??????????.Our #AthleteSpotlight post goes to #TeamEndurance Member and #SuperMom @Lindalaubin..? It continues to be an honour to provide nutrition and training plans for her lifestyle and @npaasport competitions..? It would be a huge understatement to describe this amazing woman as strong. She continues to face all…
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