Holiday Survival Tips

Surviving that yummy holiday temptation…. We all look forward to time off with our families, sitting around in the kitchen gabbing, laughing and trying out some family recipes. However, the week after many of us feel sluggish, maybe even a bit guilty for a bit…

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NPAA Workshop – March 8,...

Please join us on March 8, 2013 for our competition preparation workshop in Calgary in preparation for the upcoming NPAA Canada Classic! Last March, we had 125+ athletes from across Canada travel to attend our workshops in Calgary and British Columbia for the NPAA March Madness Super Weekend! Do not miss…

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“No Pain, No Gain” Leads...

There is nothing worse than being at the peak of your training, feeling great, making continuous gains, and then.. injury strikes, taking all the fun out of your workout. Anybody involved in weight training should educate themselves on common injuries and prevention strategies. Whenever muscles…

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Join The Endurance Fit Stairs...

We are happy to announce that the 5:30 pm Endurance Fit Stairs Bootcamp will run for 6 weeks this fall! Starting September 30th, cost $185 and it will run 2 days per week (Mondays and Wednesdays)! If you need a reason to train, eliminate the…

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Body Composition Analyses Available at...

Unsure of how to keep yourself accountable to your fitness and wellness goals? Try having a Body Composition and/or Fitness Test at Endurance on 8th Health Centre every month to stay on track! Our team will ensure that you focus more on just “the scale,” which may…

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Work Off The Excess Stampede...

We are happy to present 5:30 pm Endurance Fit Stairs Bootcamp will run for the 10 weeks of summer! Cost $185. If you need a reason to train, eliminate the post-Stampede bulge, or want to get ready for a photo shoot join us this summer…

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2012 Brings Exciting New Change!!!...

We are very proud to announce that Calgary, Alberta will be the headquarters for a new, innovative and exciting bodybuilding, figure and model organization. The NPAA (Natural Physique and Athletics Association) is founded by Dr. Kevin Ashby and Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby. Both Kevin and Wendy…

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