Did you know that feeling tired on a regular basis is extremely common and, in most cases, it is caused by simple/reversible lifestyle factors?
They include:
1. Consuming too many refined carbs. Try consuming whole foods that minimally impact your blood sugar
2. Living a sedentary lifestyle. So boost your energy levels by being more active.
3. Not getting enough high quality sleep. Hence, try to go to bed at roughly the same time every night, relax before sleeping and get plenty of activity during the day. Otherwise contact a sleep specialist.
4. Food sensitivities. Consider working with one of our specialists to test you for food sensitivities or prescribe an elimination diet to determine which foods are problematic.
5. Not eating enough calories. Your body requires a minimum number of calories in order to perform daily functions. Consuming too few calories can lead to fatigue and make it difficult to meet nutrient needs.
We will cover more reasons in another post.
Make it a great day!
Contact us for injury management, massage, or online health/coaching/training/nutrition plans.

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