Did you know about the positive effects of exercise for cancer patients?
The following information may help.
Exercise may have a significant and positive effect on physical function and quality of life for those who are currently undergoing treatment, or who have completed treatment for cancer, regardless of the type of cancer, stage of cancer or prognosis.
Specifically, exercise may slow or prevent the functional declines often associated with cancer and cancer treatment, and improve both physical abilities and quality of life.
Participating in regular exercise also helps to improve self-esteem and self-efficacy, providing an important sense of control to a difficult and often out-of-control time in one’s life.
Participation with exercise is associated with improved survival, prevention of new cancers, and earlier detection of some types of cancer.
Other complicated symptoms (e.g. lymphedema, nerve damage, weakness/dysfunction, etc) can be managed by one of our doctors to reduce fatigue, joint pain and increase overall strength and well-being.
Make it a great day!
Contact us for injury management or online health/coaching/training/nutrition plans.
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