Traditional Chinese Medicine Treats Flu

TCM and Colds & Flu The treatment principles for each of these manifestations of a Wind attack is to expel the Wind pathogen and eliminate the other pathogens that accompany it, and strengthen the patient’s Qi if the patient is weak. The primary focus of…

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PCOS photo

PCOS Improves with Acupuncture

By Fiona McCulloch, ND With a prevalence as high as 20% of women of reproductive age (2), irregular menstruation and difficulty conceiving frustrate a vast number of women with Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The most commonly recommended treatments include lifestyle modifications aimed at weight loss…

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individual performing active rehabilitation exercises

Active Rehabilitation Manages Your Nagging...

Active Rehabilitation What is Active Rehabilitation? Active rehabilitation refers to an treatment plan that involves exercise plans that specifically addresses injury and includes the following components: Detailed objective testing including a postural screen and tests for muscle imbalances A corrective treatment and exercise program that…

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Physiotherapy providing dry needling acupuncture to smiling patient

Dry Needling Improves Pain and...

What is Trigger Point Dry Needling? Trigger Point Dry Needling involves inserting thin needles into tight, irritable muscles. Trigger Point Dry Needling creates changes to muscles and connective tissue (fascia) near the needled areas. It also stimulates nerves to help releases the body’s own painkillers.…

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Meditation Classes

Learn how to meditate at Endurance on 8th with Anna Gignac This 6 week registered session provides techniques for mindfulness presence in your daily life. Instruction is given in sitting and lying meditation with time for questions on your progress. All levels are welcome, including…

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The Role of Naturopathic Medicine...

by Dr. Chris Halldorson The athletes competing at the Rio Olympics needed to have their bodies dialed in. On competition day, they had to be able to perform flawlessly. The amazing athletic performances we witnessed are no accident. Olympians take years to prepare for a single…

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How do Physiotherapists Help Treat...

Source:  Physiotherapy Alberta Diabetes is a disease that happens when the body is unable to sufficiently produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that allows the body’s cells to absorb sugar from the blood stream and use that sugar for energy.1 An estimated 2.7 million…

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Success Story – Registered Massage...

Just wanted to say thanjs for all the quality massage treatments at Endurance on 8th Health Centre, and for the great job keeping the practice running so smoothly. The massage treatments are an integral part of my training and recovery regimen as a weekend warrior…

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