Strengthen Your Glutes

Are you trying to build and strengthen your glutes? Toning and strengthening your glutes shouldn’t be labelled as vain, it may also improve your posture, back & knee pain. So try turning up the heat on your glutes with this routine in the gym, at…

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Common Neck Pain Injuries

Do you have neck pain or experienced a neck injury? Neck pain causes include: 1. Muscle strains from overuse/postural issues/teeth grinding.  2. Worn joints with age. 3. Nerve compression from herniated disks or bone spurs in the vertebrae of your neck. 4. Whiplash injury, which…

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Exercise demo photo

Single Leg Ball Squat

Toning and strengthening your glutes shouldn’t be labelled as vain, it may also improve your knee pain. Try the single leg ball squat. Preparation:Stand next to a wall, holding stability ball. Assume a single-leg stance and flex hip (hip hinge) to 60 degrees and knee…

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What Is Your Posterior Chain

Do you know what the posterior chain is and why you should strengthen it? The following information may help. The posterior chain is the backside of your body. Its primary muscles include the lower back, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and calves. This area is often ignored…

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8 Week Transformation

Our #Transformation post goes to our client @bala_white83 We feel honoured that he chose us to diagnose his nutritional deficiencies and improve his cholesterol levels with our holistic exercise and nutrition plans that improved his overall lifestyle. This #Superdad lost 23 lbs in 8 weeks with a program based on…

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?? ??? ???? ? ??????? ??????? (???????) ????? ?????? ???? ???? ???’? ?? ?????.The following information may help..The anterior talofibular ligament is the most common ankle ligament injured. It is often sprained during an acute ankle inversion.. It is important to understand the stages of injury…

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Glute/Hamstring Gauntlet

??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???????.?Toning and strengthening your glutes shouldn’t be labelled as vain, it may also improve your knee pain..? So try turning up the heat on your glutes with this routine in the gym, at home, or while on…

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4 Week Athlete Transformation

Our #AthleteSpotlight post goes to @inv1nceable.l1fts. We feel honoured that he chose us to design fitness and nutrition plans for his first @npaasport competition. We created plans that diagnosed his current food sensitivities and rehabilited his left knee injury. He has achieved incredible results in less than 4 weeks! It…

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Chiropractors and Exercise

Do you ever think of the full array of skills your chiropractor can offer for your pain, health, and wellness?.Chiropractors are extensively trained in the assessment, diagnosis, prevention, and management of MSK conditions..Studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments work best and are most effective when…

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Benefits of Gym Buddies

Are you struggling with your current exercise routine? .Try exercising with a friend!.?Here is a list of reasons to find a group of gym buddies:.1. It’s fun – catching up with a friend during your breaks can be filled with laughter and encouragement.2. You’ll stick…

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