Reduce Your Shoulder Pain With...

?? ??? ???? ???????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ????? The following information may help. Traditional tricep dips may place undo stress on your shoulder (rotator cuff, subacromial space, etc.) due to lack of form. Some common mistakes include: – Rounding shoulders forward.– Shrugging shoulders towards…

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Push up plus video

Reduce Your Shoulder Pain with...

?? ??? ???? ???????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ????.Improper form may be contributing to your sprain or strain..?This exercise strengthens a collection of muscles but, as per our post on Tonic vs. Phasic muscles, strengthening of the pectorals along with improper form may contribute to a shoulder…

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Modify Your Bicep Curl

?? ??? ???? ? ??????? ?? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ????? (????? ??????????/??????????) ??? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ????????.The following information may help..Biceps tendonitis (inflamed tendon) and biceps tendonosis (non-inflamed degenerative tendon) are injuries of the biceps tendon (typically the long head)…

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Ankle sprain rehab video

Rehab Your Nagging Ankle Sprain

Do you have a nagging lateral (outside) ankle sprain that just won’t go away? The following information may help: The anterior talofibular ligament is the most common ankle ligament injured. It is often sprained during an acute ankle inversion. It is important to understand the stages…

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Shoulder pain posture pic

Relieve Your Shoulder Pain &...

?? ??? ???? ???? ???????, ???????? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ??????? Your Subscapularis muscle may be to blame. The Subscapularis:– attaches in at the inner side of your shoulder blade and connects the inner and upper side of your upper arm bone.– is one…

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Adjustable Standing Desks Reduce Pain

Do your muscles or joints ache and you sit behind a desk for many hours of the day?.The following information may help..Research shows that sitting for prolonged periods increases the risk of muscle and joint pain, heart disease, diabetes and cancer regardless of regular exercise..So…

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Relieve Your Back and Glute...

?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???????? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ????.Your glutes may be to blame..Gluteus Medius/Minimus syndrome is a pain syndrome due to repetitive microtrauma to these muscles from:Running on soft surfaces.Overuse of exercise equipment.Other repetitive activities…

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Modify Your Exercise

?? ??? ???? ???????? ???? ?? ?????????? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????????.This modification may help..Reverse Grip Bench Presses reduce the stress on your shoulders while maintaining tension on your pecs..It increases the tension on your triceps brachii to a greater degree than…

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Exercise Helps Cancer Patients

Did you know about the positive effects of exercise for cancer patients? The following information may help. Exercise may have a significant and positive effect on physical function and quality of life for those who are currently undergoing treatment, or who have completed treatment for…

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12 Week Transformation

Are you trying to transform your physique while injured?.The following tips may help..1. Receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Our client had wrist pain that hindered his progress in the gym. We immediately diagnosed his sprain/strain injury and modified his routine to enhance the…

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